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In this project, we present TAPEX (for Table Pre-training via Execution), a conceptually simple and empirically powerful pre-training approach to empower existing models with table reasoning skills. TAPEX realizes table pre-training by learning a neural SQL executor over a synthetic corpus, which is obtained by automatically synthesizing executable SQL queries.

Fig 1. The schematic illustration of TAPEX. Tables not shown for brevity.

The central point of TAPEX is to train a model to mimic the SQL query execution process over a table. We believe that if a model can be trained to faithfully execute SQL queries, then it must have a deep understanding of table structures and possess an inductive bias towards table structures.

Fig 2. The illustration of the pre-training procedure in TAPEX.

Meanwhile, since the diversity of SQL queries can be guaranteed systemically, and thus a diverse and high-quality pre-training corpus can be automatically synthesized for TAPEX.

🏆 TAPEX = SOTA on Four Benchmarks

We evaluate TAPEX on two tasks 💬 Table Question Answering and 🔎 Table Fact Verficiation.

Fig 3. An example of Table Question Answering. Credits: Link.
Fig 4. An example of Table Fact Verification. Credits: Link.

Experimental results demonstrate that TAPEX outperforms previous table pre-training approaches by a large margin, and our model achieves new state-of-the-art results on four well-known datasets, including:

Tab 1. Dataset statistics

More importantly, our backbone is a simple Transformer-based Encoder-Decoder model without any task-specific architecture, which can be extended to any kind of downstream task.

⚔️ TAPEX v.s. Previous Table Pre-training

Our TAPEX can achieve significantly better results compared to previous table pre-training techniques, with a much smaller synthesized pre-training corpus.

Fig 5. The amount of our pre-training corpus v.s. WikiTQ dev set denotation accuracy.
Pre-training Model Pre-training Task Pre-training Scale WikiTQ Acc
TAPAS (Herzig et al., 2020) Masked Language Model 21.3 Million 48.8
TaBERT (Yin et al., 2020) Masked Column Prediction +
Cell Value Recovery
26.3 Million 53.0
GraPPa (Yu et al., 2020) Masked Language Model +
SQL Semantic Prediction
0.9 Million 51.9
TAPEX (Ours, 1 Million) SQL Execution 1.0 Million 56.1
TAPEX (Ours, 5 Million) SQL Execution 5.0 Million 57.0

WikiTQ refers to the challenging WikiTableQuestions dataset (Pasupat and Liang, 2015).

😉 Other Interesting Work

📍 Citation

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    title={TAPEX: Table Pre-training via Learning a Neural SQL Executor}, 
    author={Qian Liu and Bei Chen and Jiaqi Guo and Morteza Ziyadi and Zeqi Lin and Weizhu Chen and Jian-guang Lou},